You want to be a moderator? Thats easy, just click the button below!
Ok.. Bad joke
Moderation in
All chatrooms at are moderated. This page only regards server rooms (Normally the largest on the server). if you want
moderation status in a user room that is up to the owner of that specific room, don't fill this form regarding moderation status in a user chatroom!
online chatting today is very unsafe for adults and teens and although
specially programmed bots provide a big help chats will always need human moderators. We're not interested in anyone signing up for moderation status if
the intentions are for personal gain or anything which isn't related to genuinely wanting to protect the chat server and it's users
The chances are you wont be successful, we have hundreds of of submissions a day but it's always worth it, if we notice you, recognize you're always in our
chatrooms, never making trouble then you'll hear from us
The do's and don'ts
If you have common sense, you use our services alot, you never abuse our privileges and genuinely have a recognizeable skill for helping people and defusing aggresive situations between users without banning and klining,
we are more than likely to employ you (in time). Please fill in the form below and if you're recognized, we will contact you, don't follow up on your submission. Just sit back
and await a MEMO from 'Cozzi'
Please fill out this form below, only fill it out once or your request will be ignored, All submissions are saved and when a slot appears on the chat rooms, the list will be reviewed and
we will pick the person who's most suitable for the job.